Monday, September 24, 2012

Concept Mapping

  I thought that concept mapping is a very good idea in order to get the breakdown of a certain subject and to understand it fully.  Using this tool just made concept mapping fun and innovative.  By doing this it will allow the students to be creative and be involved and actually learn something from it.   The student is learning the material and how to use certain functions of a computer as well.  This tool is great to accomplish the first standard of the NET-S because it is about inspiring student creativity and learning, which is what the concept map does by allowing students to organize content in a creative way.  I would definitely consider using this tools again, especially for the classroom.  It had taken me a while to get a hang of things and understand exactly what all the gadgets meant and did.  In the end, it allows for creativity and learning.  My favorite feature of inspiration was all the different pictures that were available for selection in the program. I enjoyed this activity and was able to learn about a whole new type of technology because I had never even heard about inspiration or kidspiration before this assignment.

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